Sally (Chuhan) Chen 陈楚涵

I am a second year PhD student at CMU Robotics Institute, co-advised by Prof. Matthew O'Toole and Prof. Deva Ramanan. I obtained Masters in Computer Vision at CMU as well.

I did my undergraduate studies in the University of Toronto majoring in Computer Engineering, where I was fortunate to work with Prof. Florian Shkurti on self-driving adversarial attack with differentiable rendering. I also explored research in transit signal priority with Prof. Amer Shalaby and content ranking with ML with Prof. Scott Sanner.

During my undergrad I studied at Kyoto University for one semester supported by JASSO scholarship, during which I worked breifly with Prof. Tatsuya Kawahara on dialogue generation, and also explored many many beautiful architectures and gardens.

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I'm interested in computer graphics, computer vision and computational photography research with a focus on neural rendering. In terms of application, I'm interested in healthcare, smart cities and creative design tools. Some representative research projects I have been involved in are listed below.

Implicit Neural Head Synthesis via Controllable Local Deformation Field
Chuhan (Sally) Chen, Matthew O'Toole, Gaurav Bharaj,Pablo Garrido
CVPR, 2023
project page / arXiv / video

We model multiple implicit deformation fields with local semantic rig-like control via 3DMM-based parameters and representative facial landmarks, and propose a novel local control loss and attention mask mechanism that renders sharper locally controllable nonlinear deformations than previous implicit monocular approaches, especially mouth interior, asymmetric expressions, and finer skin details.

Generating Transferable Adversarial Simulation Scenarios for Self-Driving via Neural Rendering
Yasasa Abeysirigoonawardena, Kevin Xie, Chuhan (Sally) Chen, Salar Hosseini, Ruiqi Wang, Florian Shkurti
Corl 2023,
Best Paper Award at RSS 2023 workshop "Towards Safe Autonomy: New Challenges and Trends in Robot Perception"

We create differentiable simulators with NeRF where we insert objects in a differentiable way and learn the objects' position and texture (ie. adversarial attacks) that make a self-driving car deviate from its original path.

Deep Reinforcement Learning Two-Way Transit Signal Priority Algorithm for Optimizing Headway Adherence and Speed
Wenxun Hu, Hirotaka Ishihara, Chuhan (Sally) Chen, Amer Shalaby, Baher Abdulhai
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2023, Annual Transportation Research Board Meeting, 2021
paper / poster

We proposes a dual-objective two-way Transit Signal Priority algorithm that concurrently optimizes transit delays and reliability (headway adherence) using Deep Reinforcement Learning. Further, the agents are enhanced with a coordination algorithm for an optimized solution balancing opposite directions. The algorithm reacts adaptively to real-time bus performance.

Past and Ongoing Projects
Depth Estimation with Focal Stack
Chuhan (Sally) Chen*, Mukun Guo*, Matthew O'Toole
project page

We train multiplane images (MPIs) that estimates depth map of a scene from single-view images with varying focal distances.

App for Aphasia
Chuhan (Sally) Chen*, Yuanyuan Zhou*, Katherine Bankroft*, Aishni Arora*

Aphasia is a language disorder that causes patients to lose the link between language (what one says) and meaning (what one wants to say). We interviewed speech pathologists for aphasia and created a mobile application that assists aphasia patients with rehabilitation through language exercises that help patients re-establish the connection between words and thooughts.

Some other interests

I'm interested in learning languages & linguistics in general. I speak Mandarin and English fluently, Japanese somewhat fluently (but have forgotten much due to lack of practice) and know some Latin (ahh all the conjugations..). Big thanks to Prof. Atsuko Sakaki - from her class I picked up some Classical Japanese, and now can read some classical text with the help of grammar books. Currently learning Spanish, trying hard to practice tongue-rolling (but do feel occasionally that this might be genetic..) and hopefully can speak it fluently one day! And lastly, I'm from Nanjing, China, so I also speak the Nanjingese dialect, rather sad to see this dialect disappearing and hopefully can contribute to maintaining it.

Thanks to Jon Barron for his template!!